Read more about the article Top 10 Budgeting Challenges & How to Avoid Them
Top 10 Budgeting Challenges & How to Avoid Them

Top 10 Budgeting Challenges & How to Avoid Them

What’s the first thing that you think about when you hear “create a budget and stick to it?” For many people, they think that having a budget means they can’t spend money. Wrong! Here are the top 10 personal budgeting challenges that you need to be aware of and how to avoid them.

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Read more about the article Emergency Fund: How Much Do I Need to Save?
Emergency Fund: How Much Do I Need to Save?

Emergency Fund: How Much Do I Need to Save?

What would you do if you were in a car accident, or if the roof on your house suddenly needed to be repaired due to a bad storm, or your washing machine needed to be replaced? If your answer is, “I don’t know”, then you’re in the right place. The solution you need is an emergency fund.

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Read more about the article 9 Common Limiting Money Beliefs (And How to Transform Each One)
9 Common Limiting Money Beliefs - And How to Transform Each One

9 Common Limiting Money Beliefs (And How to Transform Each One)

What do you think and say to yourself when the topic of money comes up? Everyone has ingrained beliefs about money and most people aren’t even aware of them. Here are 9 limiting money beliefs that you need to stop believing – and what to do instead!

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Read more about the article 5 Essential Steps to Measure Your Financial Health
5 Essential Steps to Measure Your Financial Health

5 Essential Steps to Measure Your Financial Health

I know it might sound scary, or seem too complicated, but ignoring something never made it better. Start by being gentle with yourself, forgive yourself for past mistakes and then take action. Here are five essential steps that you need to take to measure your financial health - no matter what your age is.

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